API - Orders
The Orders resource contains several methods that return order specific information.
In addition the createOrder method allows you to POST an order to our system.
Method Name: listOrders, listPreviousOrders, listNextOrders
Retrieve a list of the orders on your account. The list will contain 25 orders at a time with links to the next and previous pages.
The methods listPreviousOrders and listNextOrders are pagination methods.
Method: GET
- Limit — Min Value: 0, Max Value: 25.
- Offset — Min Value: 0
Request Headers: Accept, Authorization, Host
Request Message Body: None
Response Headers: Content-Length, Content-Type, Content-Location
Response Message Body: List of orders
Response Status: 200, 204, 400, 401, 403, 404
Media Types:
- application/vnd.koleimports.ds.order+xml
- application/vnd.koleimports.ds.order+json
Request Parameters:
GET /orders
Host: example.com
Authorization: Basic {id}:{api_key}
Accept: application/vnd.koleimports.ds.order+xml
Example CURL Request:
curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.koleimports.ds.order+xml" "https://{id}:{api_key}@api.koleimports.com/orders?limit=1&offset=0"
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.koleimports.ds.order+xml
Content-Length: 1804
Content-Location: https://api.koleimports.com/orders?limit=25&offset=0
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Response Field Definitions
The listOrders, listPreviousOrders and listNextOrders methods are collection methods. See getOrder for field definitions.
Method Name: getOrder
Retrieve information about an Order by the Order ID.
Method: GET
Parameters: None
Request Headers: Accept, Authorization, Host
Request Message Body: None
Response Headers: Content-Length, Content-Type, Content-Location
Response Message Body: Order Information
Response Status: 200, 400, 401, 403, 404
Media Types:
- application/vnd.koleimports.ds.order+xml
- application/vnd.koleimports.ds.order+json
Request Parameters:
GET /orders/{order_id}
Host: example.com
Authorization: Basic {id}:{api_key}
Accept: application/vnd.koleimports.ds.order+xml
Example CURL Request:
curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.koleimports.ds.order+xml" "https://{id}:{api_key}@api.koleimports.com/orders/{order_id}"
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.koleimports.ds.order+xml
Content-Length: 1804
Content-Location: https://api.koleimports.com/orders/{order_id}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Response Body Field Definitions
Field Name | Description | Type | Length |
Field Name | Description | Type | Length |
order |
n/a | n/a |
order_id |
A unique order number. |
integer | 10 |
customer_id |
The customer number associated with the account. |
string | 6 |
po_number |
The purchase order number. |
String | 20 |
status |
A constant that specifies the order status. |
String | n/a |
tax_exempt |
A boolean that dictates whether or not this order exempt from
sales tax. |
Boolean | 1 |
notes |
This field is for order level communication. |
String | 250 |
created |
The ISO 8601 Timestamp for when the order was created
(0000-00-00T00:00:00). |
String | 19 |
modified |
The ISO 8601 Timestamp for when the order was last modified
(0000-00-00T00:00:00). |
String | 19 |
received |
The ISO 8601 Timestamp for when the order was received and
approved (0000-00-00T00:00:00). |
String | 19 |
ship_options |
n/a | n/a |
ship_account_id |
The account number associated with the shipment. |
String | 20 |
carrier |
A constant that specifies which shipping carrier was used. |
String | n/a |
service |
A description of the shipping service for this order. |
String | 60 |
signature |
A boolean that states whether a signature is required upon
delivery. |
Boolean | 1 |
instructions |
This field is for shipping instructions for the carrier. |
String | 250 |
notifications |
n/a | n/a |
notification |
n/a | n/a |
type |
A constant that specifies the type of notification. |
String | n/a |
The email address that will be notified. |
String | 250 | |
bill_to_address |
n/a | n/a |
first_name |
Customer first name |
String | 40 |
last_name |
Customer last name |
String | 40 |
company |
Customer company name |
String | 60 |
address_1 |
Customer address |
String | 100 |
address_2 |
Customer extended address |
String | 100 |
city |
Customer City |
String | 60 |
state |
Customer State. Two-letter state abbreviation. |
String | 2 |
zipcode |
Customer Zipcode |
String | 5 |
country |
Customer Country Code. |
String | 3 |
phone |
Customer Phone Number |
String | 10 |
ship_to_address |
n/a | n/a |
first_name |
Recipient first name |
String | 40 |
last_name |
Recipient last name |
String | 40 |
company |
Recipient company name |
String | 60 |
address_1 |
Recipient address |
String | 100 |
address_2 |
Recipient extended address |
String | 100 |
city |
Recipient City |
String | 60 |
state |
Recipient State. Two-letter state abbreviation. |
String | 2 |
zipcode |
Recipient Zipcode |
String | 5 |
country |
Recipient Country Code. |
String | 3 |
phone |
Recipient Phone Number |
String | 10 |
items |
n/a | n/a |
item |
n/a | n/a |
sku |
The 5 Letter SKU of the item. |
String | 5 |
upc |
The universal product code for the item. |
String | 20 |
title |
A short description for the item ordered. |
String | 150 |
weight |
The total weight (in lbs.) for the line. |
integer | 6 |
quantity |
The number of pieces to order for the item. |
Integer | 6 |
unit_price |
The per piece price for the item. |
decimal | 10 |
type |
A constant that specifies the type of line item. |
String | n/a |
line_status |
A constant that specifies the status of the line item. |
String | n/a |
line_total |
The total price for the item. |
decimal | 10 |
invoice |
n/a | n/a |
invoice_id |
The invoice id. This is issued after the order has been processed. |
String | 6 |
status |
A constant that specifies the invoice status. |
String | n/a |
due |
n/a | n/a |
subtotal |
The subtotal for the order. |
decimal | 10 |
tax |
The total tax for the order. |
decimal | 10 |
duty |
The total duty for the order. |
decimal | 10 |
shipping |
The total shipping price for the order. |
decimal | 10 |
total |
The total price for the order. |
decimal | 10 |
owed |
n/a | n/a |
subtotal |
The subtotal still owed for the order. |
decimal | 10 |
tax |
The tax still owed for the order. |
decimal | 10 |
duty |
The duty still owed for the order. |
decimal | 10 |
shipping |
The shipping still owed for the order. |
decimal | 10 |
total |
The total still owed for the order. |
decimal | 10 |
paid |
n/a | n/a |
subtotal |
The subtotal already paid for the order. |
decimal | 10 |
tax |
The tax already paid for the order. |
decimal | 10 |
duty |
The duty already paid for the order. |
decimal | 10 |
shipping |
The shipping already paid for the order. |
decimal | 10 |
total |
The total already paid for the order. |
decimal | 10 |
refunded |
n/a | n/a |
subtotal |
The subtotal refunded for the order. |
decimal | 10 |
tax |
The tax refunded for the order. |
decimal | 10 |
duty |
The duty refunded for the order. |
decimal | 10 |
shipping |
The shipping refunded for the order. |
decimal | 10 |
total |
The total refunded for the order. |
decimal | 10 |
links |
n/a | n/a |
link |
n/a | n/a |
method |
The name of the API method. |
String | 100 |
media_type |
The media type for the method. Use this in the Accept Header. |
String | 250 |
url |
The URL used to access the resource. |
String | 250 |
Method Name: createOrder
This method will take the request body and create an order with it.
The createOrder method has the following pre-requirements:
- Your account must have a billing address.
- Your account must have at least one payment method.
- Your account must have at least one shipping account with either FedEx or UPS.
In Addition, all API accounts are in Test Mode by default. Orders will not be submitted until the account is moved to production mode.
Note: When specifying the quantity to order for a product, the number should be the actual number of pieces in the price tier. This means that if an item comes in packs of 24 and you are you want 1 pack, then the quantity should be 24.
Method: POST
Parameters: None
Request Headers: Accept, Authorization, Content-Type, Host
Request Message Body: Download Sample
Response Headers: Content-Length, Content-Type, Location
Response Message Body: Links to access the newly created resource
Response Status: 201, 400, 401, 403, 500
Media Types:
- application/vnd.koleimports.ds.order+xml
- application/vnd.koleimports.ds.order+json
Request Parameters:
POST /orders
Host: example.com
Authorization: Basic {id}:{api_key}
Accept: application/vnd.koleimports.ds.order+xml
Content-Type: application/vnd.koleimports.ds.order+xml
Example CURL Request:
curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.koleimports.ds.order+xml" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.koleimports.ds.order+xml" \
-d <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Request Field Definitions
Below you will find the definitions to all of the fields that are available for the request body.
Field Name | Description | Type | Required | Length |
Field Name | Description | Type | Required | Length |
order |
n/a | Yes | n/a |
po_number |
The purchase order number. |
String | No | 20 |
notes |
This field is for order level communication. |
String | No | 250 |
ship_options |
n/a | Yes | n/a |
carrier |
A constant that specifies which shipping carrier to use. |
String | Yes | n/a |
service |
A constant that specifies which shipping service to use. |
String | Yes | n/a |
signature |
A boolean that makes a signature required upon delivery. |
Boolean | No | 1 |
instructions |
This field is for shipping instructions for the carrier. |
String | No | 250 |
ship_to_address |
n/a | Yes | n/a |
first_name |
Recipient first name |
String | * | 40 |
last_name |
Recipient last name |
String | * | 40 |
company |
Recipient company name |
String | * | 60 |
address_1 |
Recipient address |
String | Yes | 100 |
address_2 |
Recipient extended address |
String | No | 100 |
city |
Recipient City |
String | Yes | 60 |
state |
Recipient State. Two-letter state abbreviation. |
String | Yes | 2 |
zipcode |
Recipient Zipcode |
String | Yes | 5 |
ext_zipcode |
Recipient Extended Zipcode |
String | No | 4 |
country |
Recipient Country Code. |
String | Yes | 3 |
phone |
Recipient Phone Number |
String | No | 10 |
items |
n/a | Yes | n/a |
item |
n/a | Yes | n/a |
sku |
The 5 character SKU of the item. Alphabetic characters should be in UPPERCASE. |
String | Yes | 5 |
quantity |
The number of pieces to order for the item. |
Integer | Yes | 6 |
* - First and last name are only required if company name isn't present.
Example Response:
HTTP/1.1 201 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.koleimports.ds.order+xml
Content-Length: 1804
Content-Location: https://api.koleimports.com/orders/{order_id}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Response Field Definitions
Below you will find the definitions to all of the fields that are available for the response body.
Field Name | Description | Type | Length |
Field Name | Description | Type | Length |
links |
n/a | n/a |
link |
n/a | n/a |
method |
The name of the API method. |
String | 100 |
media_type |
The media type for the method. Use this in the Accept Header. |
String | 250 |
url |
The URL used to access the resource. |
String | 250 |
About Kole Imports
Getting Started With The Kole Imports Dropship Program
Dropship API Documentation
Dropship Account Information
Dropship Feed Management
Dropship Billing Questions
Dropship Shipping Policies And Procedures
Dropship Catalog
Submitting Dropship Orders
Dropship Returns
Dropship Troubleshooting