Where can I find your product images?

Image Size Matrix

Below is a list of all of the different image sizes/ratios we currently provide. All of the values below are in pixels.

1x1 (Square) 3x2 (Widescreen) 3x4 (Portrait) 4x3 (Landscape)
Tiny 60 x 60 60 x 40 45 x 60 60 x 45
Small 150 x 150 150 x 100 113 x 150 150 x 113
Medium 300 x 300 300 x 200 225 x 300 300 x 225
Large 600 x 600 600 x 400 450 x 600 600 x 450
XLarge 1200 x 1200 1200 x 800 900 x 1200 1200 x 900
Print 2000 x 2000 2000 x 1334 1500 x 2000 2000 x 1500

Image URL's

To download any image you must follow this exact URI scheme



  1. 1x1 (Square)
  2. 3x2 (Widescreen)
  3. 3x4 (Portrait)
  4. 4x3 (Landscape)


  1. tiny
  2. small
  3. medium
  4. large
  5. xlarge
  6. print


This is the first letter of the item number. This must be in lowercase.


This is the second letter of the item number. This must be in lowercase.


This is the product sku. This must be in uppercase and 5 characters long.